Below is a list of action hooks that are available in the Stripe Payments Plugin.
Table of Contents
- Payment Processing Related
- Thank You Page
- Stripe Payment Button
- Stripe Orders Related
- Payment Popup Window Related
- Output Extra HTML or JavaScript on the Payment Popup Window
Payment Processing Related
You can use this filter to override ASP_Product_Item class.
$item (object)ASP_Product_Item
You can use this filter to override ASP_Payment_Data class.
$p_data (object)false
by default. If still false
after filter execution, default ASP_Payment_data
object is used.
$pi (string)
Stripe PaymentIntent ID.
Can be used to update PaymentIntent metadata after payment is completed.
$metadata (array)
Set of key-value pairs. This can be useful for storing additional information about the payment in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to metadata.
Thank You Page
This filter allows you to modify the output data on the Thank you/checkout result page. This can be used to add some additional details to the thank you page message shown by this plugin after a transaction.
Below is an example of how to use this filter:
add_filter('asp_stripe_payments_checkout_page_result', 'asp_custom_thank_you_msg', 10, 2); function asp_custom_thank_you_msg ($output, $txn_data) { //Do stuff //print_r($txn_data);//Lets see what transaction data is available in this array. $output .= 'This text will be added to the thank you page message.'; return $output; }
Stripe Payment Button
This filter can be used to add extra data parameters for stripe checkout.
Stripe Orders Related
This filter is executed before the order data is inserted into the orders table (after a transaction).
Payment Popup Window Related
This filter allows you to modify the payment button’s text on the payment popup window.
Below is an example of how to use this filter:
add_filter('asp_ng_pp_pay_button_text', 'custom_stripe_payment_popup_buy_button'); function custom_stripe_payment_popup_buy_button( $pay_btn_text ) { $pay_btn_text = 'Hit this button to pay %s'; return $pay_btn_text; }
If you put %s
in the text, it will be replaced by the formatted total payment amount with currency symbol.
This filter allows you to add some text below the payment button on the payment popup window.
Below is an example of how to use this filter:
add_filter('asp_ng_pp_after_button', 'custom_below_stripe_payment_popup_buy_button', 10, 2); function custom_below_stripe_payment_popup_buy_button( $output, $data ) { $output .= 'This text will show below the payment button'; return $output; }
This filter allows you to add some text above the payment button on the payment popup window.
Below is an example of how to use this filter:
add_filter('asp_ng_pp_output_before_buttons', 'custom_above_stripe_payment_popup_buy_button', 10, 2); function custom_above_stripe_payment_popup_buy_button( $output, $data ) { $output .= 'Some text that will be shown above the payment button'; return $output; }
This filter hook allows you to override the security badge and message displayed in the payment popup window when this feature is enabled, giving you full control over its content and presentation.
This filter hook can be used to include additional style-sheet files to the payment popup window.
This filter hook can be used to include additional script files to the payment popup window.
Output Extra HTML or JavaScript on the Payment Popup Window
This filter allows you to add any custom HTML, JavaScript and CSS code directly into the payment popup window.
Below is an example of how to use this filter hook:
add_filter('asp_ng_pp_extra_output_before_closing_body', 'extra_code_output_on_payment_popup', 10, 2); function extra_code_output_on_payment_popup( $output ) { $output .= '<strong>This message will be shown on the payment popup</strong>'; return $output; }